My Story

Coaching leaders was a notion that seemed far beyond my comfort zone, and yet, it has now become my raison d’etre. It is my purpose, my energy source, my jazz.

When I first ventured into the corporate world over 11 years ago, my mind was immersed in the realm of numbers and syntax. This was a world I had known intimately through my background in mathematics and economics.  

Then, in 2012 at the world-renowned Gallup, I learned and became certified in using CliftonStrengths—a tool that would become the heart and soul of my coaching philosophy.  

CliftonStrengths isn’t just about data and numbers; it’s about embracing the human element and harnessing the power of innate brilliance. 

Strangely, in that synergy of mathematics, economics, and the human spirit, I found purpose and fulfillment.

Beyond the boardrooms and office spaces, my work resonates on a deeper level. Each CEO, Founder, Head of Department, and Manager I coach becomes an extension of my daring leadership—a ripple effect that cascades through organizations, fostering inclusivity, diversity, and empathy.  

Witnessing this impact reinforces my conviction that embracing one’s identity and strengths is not a weakness but a wellspring of greatness waiting to be tapped. 

So, in a competitive corporate landscape yearning for trailblazers, I daringly stand as a testament to the potential that lies within every authentic leader.  

And, now, I invite you to step into the realm of daring leadership.

4 Continents

North America, Europe, Asia, AUNZ

11+ Years

Coaching Experience

1000+ HOURS

Leadership Consulting

In a nutshell, Dahlia Sutrisno made me who I am. She took me as a rough stone and polished me until I became a diamond.

Dahlia is an unparalleled asset, embodying a rare combination of intelligence, insight, and emotional acuity that sets her apart. Her ability to navigate complex psychological landscapes and motivate those around her is instrumental in fostering a culture of peak performance.

Dahlia’s strategic approach, coupled with her unwavering integrity, has consistently guided our team through challenging situations and dynamics, ensuring not only the personal growth of each member but also collective success.

Her loyalty and protective nature towards the team have fortified the trust and camaraderie essential for our performance. She most probably will destroy you, to rebuild you in an enhanced version of yourself. Close your eyes, have faith, and jump. She will catch you.

Charles-P Villeneuve
Founder and Head of Financial Engineering at Azzilon Systems Canada Inc.

Gallup Called to Coach Webcast Series

As organizational leaders, we recognize the vital role of great coaches in our journey from bosses to effective coaches.

Join me, Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach Dahlia Sutrisno, and Libertha Hutapea, AVP of People Partner and Talent Development at Tokopedia, as we share our leadership development insights in Gallup’s Called to Coach Webcast Series, Season 10, Episode 8.

Let’s Talk